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Saab Global
Training and simulation support

Training Services

十大正规博彩网站排名在为客户提供卓越的价值和运营信心方面有着悠久的声誉, and we are very proud of our long-term supplier agreements and partnerships, with some going back over two decades.

Key features

Maximizes training and system value
Adaptable solutions for optimal performance
Contractor Logistic and Contractor Operational 支持

支持 where it counts

Training and simulation support

十大正规博彩网站排名在提供以最低生命周期成本评估的固定价格服务方面拥有丰富的经验. 这意味着客户在产品支持生命周期的每个阶段都有成本控制.

我们的培训服务-包括固定安装到便携式和可部署的培训解决方案-旨在优化服务交付. This covers the whole range of customer needs, 从提供备件和维修到完全嵌入的操作支持产品.

Personalised provision

In our fast-moving world, training needs and technology are constantly evolving. 在十大正规博彩网站排名, our focus is on bringing our customers support and services, 哪些解决方案能够提高绩效并降低培训成本,从而在日常运营中发挥真正的作用.

Contractor Logistic support

十大正规博彩网站排名的在职支持确保顺利和有效的培训交付,最大限度地提高培训系统的价值. 我们从不同客户项目中获得的丰富经验和对产品的深入了解使我们能够以固定价格提供有保证的系统可用性.我们在承包商后勤支持(CLS)服务方面的丰富经验确保了系统的可用性,从而提高了客户培训的效益.

CLS includes all levels of assistance, 并在整个生命周期阶段提供主动支持-从备件处理到预防性和纠正性维护, to system setup and field support.

Contractor Operational support

Our employees are deployed across the globe, delivering award-winning Contractor Operational 支持 (COS) to our customers.

我们有一种前瞻性的方法来提供嵌入式作战支持,减轻军事人员的许多行政任务, so they can concentrate on core business.

我们对培训的理解和我们在该领域的专业精神为我们的服务增加了重要的价值. 我们保证通过合作伙伴关系补充您的培训组织,并根据您的具体需求量身定制运营支持水平.

Contractor Engineering support

十大正规博彩网站排名, 工程支持意味着缩小现有系统功能与用户不断发展的培训需求之间的差距. 消费电子产品展, when provided in-service by Saab, supports customers through upgrades and modifications of hardware and software, under strict configuration control.

Did you know...

Saab has a long history of delivering top quality training services. 这里有一些关于我们培训服务的有趣事实,你可能还不知道.

  • The Combat Training Centre contracts for Netherlands, 芬兰和挪威以最低的生命周期成本和固定价格为基础赢得了竞争
  • 十大正规博彩网站排名在向客户提供本地支持方面拥有超过2000人年的经验
  • 十大正规博彩网站排名公司已经在阿富汗训练了超过10万人进行反简易爆炸装置训练


Can't find the answer to your questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.


Hans Lindgren
Head of Business Development

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